FailSafe PCR System
PCR System kit for end-point applications. Includes everything needed for successful PCR performance. Achieve consistent, high-fidelity results for every DNA template.
PCR System kit for end-point applications. Includes everything needed for successful PCR performance. Achieve consistent, high-fidelity results for every DNA template.
Twelve 2X PreMixes, individual components of the FailSafe PreMix Selection Kit for PCR optimization, and the bundled post - optimization FailSafe PCR System.
PCR Enzyme Mix, individual component of the FailSafe PreMix Selection Kit for PCR optimization, and the bundled post - optimization FailSafe PCR System.
PCR optimisation kit for end-point applications. Includes everything needed to optimise PCR performance and achieve consistent, high-fidelity results for every DNA template.
An optimised reverse transcriptase system for the production of full-length cDNA.
Versatile reverse transcriptase for use alone in cDNA synthesis or as a component of the RapiDxFire 1-step RT-qPCR System.
A truly thermostable reverse transcriptase for fast synthesis of short cDNA (< 1 Kb).
Order our specialised KASP-TF formulation for use with Fluidigm systems, available in 10,000 reaction and 100,000 reaction sizes.
KASP-TF V5.0 provides fast, accurate genotyping with environmentally-friendly, Triton-free formulations. Use with Array Tape™ platform for ultra-low volume reactions.
KASP-TF provides fast, accurate genotyping with environmentally-friendly, Triton-free formulations. Available for 96-, 384-, and 1536-well plates with ROX normalizing dye.
Optimised, complete system for production of full-length cDNA from low amounts of total RNA.
A thermostable DNA- and RNA-dependent DNA polymerase for both PCR and RT-PCR applications.
Optimised reverse transcriptase and buffer system for the production of full-length cDNA.
Cleave any DNA containing dUTP in place of dTTP.
The MasterAmp 10X PCR Enhancer (with betaine) substantially improves the specificity and yield of PCR amplification reactions, especially templates containing a high GC conten…
RNA is precious. Protect it with this high quality, effective RNase inhibitor.
Dependable Taq polymerase performance.
SuperROX is a passive reference dye used to normalise fluorescent signals in real-time PCR.
Ready-to-use pre-mixed dNTP solutions for PCR and other DNA synthesis reactions.
Eliminate RNase activity.
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China | +8621-22509000 |
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