MasterAmp Tth DNA Polymerase
A thermostable DNA- and RNA-dependent DNA polymerase for both PCR and RT-PCR applications.
A thermostable DNA- and RNA-dependent DNA polymerase for both PCR and RT-PCR applications.
Cleave any DNA containing dUTP in place of dTTP.
RNA is precious. Protect it with this high quality, effective RNase inhibitor.
Dependable Taq polymerase performance.
Eliminate RNase activity.
Outstanding cDNA synthesis.
SuperROX is a passive reference dye used to normalise fluorescent signals in real-time PCR.
Ready-to-use pre-mixed dNTP solutions for PCR and other DNA synthesis reactions.
Europe, Middle East, and Africa | |
UK | +44 1992 470 757 |
Germany | +49 30 5304 2200 |
North America, Latin America | |
Wisconsin, USA | +1 888 575 9695 |
Asia Pacific | |
China | +8621-22509000 |
Singapore | +65 6734 4800 |