Uracil N-Glycosylase (UNG) Kit
Cleave any DNA containing dUTP in place of dTTP.
Cleave any DNA containing dUTP in place of dTTP.
The MasterAmp 10X PCR Enhancer (with betaine) substantially improves the specificity and yield of PCR amplification reactions, especially templates containing a high GC conten…
RNA is precious. Protect it with this high quality, effective RNase inhibitor.
Dependable Taq polymerase performance.
Eliminate RNase activity.
EconoTaq PLUS 2X Master Mixes offer performance, convenience, reliability, and value for routine PCR.
1536 well-plates (Type C) with double bar code
High-performing, lyo-compatible master mix for sensitive pathogen detection.
A versatile mix for both end-point PCR genotyping and qPCR applications.
Monkeypox Virus and Orthopoxvirus ValuPanel™ Reagents are separately delivered probes and primers for PCR detection of the monkeypox virus and non-variola Orthopoxvirus specie…
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