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Lysis buffer UR

Lysis buffer UR

Ready-to-use lysis buffer to be used with our magnetic bead based DNA purification kits (e.g. sbeadex Lightning).

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Product description Favourite size Item ID Price Quantity
Product description: Lysis buffer UR, 30 mL Favourite: 30 mL
Delivered amount: NAP10-004-00
Product description: Lysis buffer UR, 250 mL Favourite: 250 mL
Delivered amount: NAP10-004-02
Product description: Lysis buffer UR, 100 mL Favourite: 100 mL
Delivered amount: NAP10-004-01
Product description: Lysis buffer UR, 500 mL Favourite: 500 mL
Delivered amount: NAP10-004-03
Product description: Lysis buffer UR, 1000 mL Favourite: 1000 mL
Delivered amount: NAP10-004-04
Product description: Lysis buffer UR, 3000 mL Favourite: 3000 mL
Delivered amount: NAP10-004-05

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