A number of various DNA CPG column formats are available, compatible with a range of instruments. “Hybrid” columns have pipette tips that fit both MerMade™ and other pipette-based synthesizers, such as the ABI 3900. They have medium porosity Porex frits, and leave headspace above the CPG. Typically, our Prime Synthesis CPG is packed in Hybrid columns. “Supercolumns™” have an upper pipette fitting and a lower luer fitting, suitable for MerMade™ and other pipette-based synthesizers such as ABI 3900 and Dr Oligo. They differ only from Hybrid columns in that they are frit stomped to remove headspace over the CPG. “Standard” or “ALL-FIT” columns are for use on DNA synthesizers that use luer-to-luer fittings. Examples are the ABI 394 and Expedite 8900/8909. TWIST™ columns are also designed for use on synthesizers with luer fittings. TWIST™ columns have a screw cap and are useful if the column has to be opened to manipulate the synthesis support and then resealed. TWIST™ is a trademark of Glen Research Corporation.
MerMade 6,12
MerMade, syringe (all scales)
Pipette type column
A MerMade column is also known as a Supercolumn
MerMade 4, 48X, 96E, 192E, 192X
MerMade, Syringe (up to 1.3 mL)
Pipette type column
A MerMade column is also known as a Supercolumn
ABI 384 / 394
Barrel column with luer fitting at either end
Also known as ALL-FIT or Standard
Expedite 8909
Barrel column with luer fitting at either end
Also known as ALL-FIT or Standard
Pipette type column
A MerMade column is also known as a Supercolumn
K&A H4, H8, H8SE, H2, H32, H64
Barrel column with luer fitting at either end
Also known as ALL-FIT or Standard
Barrel column with luer fitting at either end
Also known as Standard. For this instrument, we recommend the Luer (Standard) column as the ALL-FIT columns have a wider barrel.
Dr Oligo 48
Pipette type column
A MerMade column is also known as a Supercolumn
Dr Oligo 192XLc, 768XLc just plates
MerMade, Syringe (up to 1.3 mL)
Pipette type column
A MerMade column is also known as a Supercolumn
OligoMaker X12, 48, 192, X192, X96
MerMade, Syringe (up to 1.3 mL)
Pipette type column
A MerMade column is also known as a Supercolumn