Propyne dU Amidite
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Propyne dU Amidite
Phosphoramidite used to incorporate a C-5 propyne modified dU either internally or at the 5' end of an oligonucleotide.
Key features
Show- Enhances base pairing.
- Confers duplex stability and melting temperatures are raised by 1.7° per substitution.
- Confers nuclease resistance and binding affinity of antisense oligos.
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Product information
Substitution of C-5 propynyl-dC (pdC) for dC and C-5 propynyl-dU (pdU) for dT are effective strategies to enhance base pairing. Duplex stability and melting temperatures are raised by 2.8° or 1.7° per substitution of pdC or pdU respectively. Such Tm modification is used in Turbo Taqman probes for example. C5-propyne pyrimidine modifications are sometimes added to increase nuclease resistance and binding affinity of antisense oligos.
Product usage:
- Image of cleaved and deprotected structure:

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