Applicable Products
LK2050 |
Ac-dC-Me Phosphoramidite |
LK2051 |
iPr-Pac-dG-Me Phosphoramidite |
LK2052 |
Pac-dA-Me Phosphoramidite |
LK2078 |
dT-Me Phosphoramidite |
Physical & Dilution Data
Unit weights are expressed for the methyl triester form. Dilution volumes (in ml) are for 0.1M solutions in dry acetonitrile (LK4050) Adjust accordingly for other concentrations. For µmol pack sizes, products should be diluted as 100µmol/ml to achieve 0.1M, regardless of molecular weight.
Mol. Formula
Mol. Wt.
Unit Wt.
LK2050 |
C39H49N4O8P |
732.81 |
303.21 |
3.41 |
6.82 |
13.65 |
LK2051 |
C49H59N6O9P |
907.21 |
343.23 |
2.76 |
5.51 |
11.03 |
LK2052 |
C46H53N6O8P |
848.93 |
327.23 |
2.94 |
5.89 |
11.78 |
LK2078 |
C38H48N3O8P |
705.79 |
318.22 |
3.54 |
7.08 |
14.17 |
No changes are required from the standard method recommended by the synthesiser manufacturer. Coupling is as per standard nucleoside amidites. If the oligo contains many dG residues, use phenoxyacetic anhydride in the Cap Mix A (LK4210) to avoid the exchange of the iPr-Pac group on the dG with acetate from the acetic anhydride capping mix.
Use UltraMILD deprotection with 0.05M potassium carbonate in methanol to leave the methyl triester intact.1
Storage & Stability
Refrigerate the solids at a maximum of 2-8°C. Stability in solution is 2-3 days.
- See also: T. Atkinson and M. Smith in Oligonucleotide synthesis: a Practical Approach, M.J. Gait (editor), IRL Press Limited, Oxford, 1984, pages 68-70.