Ampligase 10X Reaction buffer
Product Details
ShowPlease note this product does not include any Ampligase Thermostable DNA Ligase enzyme.
Ampligase DNA Ligase Kit contains: Ampligase DNA Ligase, 10X Reaction Buffer, and Control DNA. Ampligase Enzyme & Buffer contain: Ampligase DNA Ligase and 10X Reaction Buffer (25 μL Buffer for each 50 U enzyme).
One unit of Ampligase is equal to as many as 15 units of other thermostable DNA ligases. Please compare competitive unit definitions.
Ampligase 10X Reaction buffer
Ampligase 10X Reaction Buffer
Product information
The Ampligase™ 10X reaction buffer is optimised for use with the Ampligase Thermostable DNA Ligase enzyme and will enable high temperature, high-specificity ligation of DNA templates when used in conjunction with the enzyme.
Please visit the Ampligase Thermostable DNA Ligase webpage for additional information on this powerful enzyme.
10X Ampligase Reaction Buffer: 200 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.3), 250 mM KCl, 100 mM MgCl2, 5 mM NAD, and 0.1% Triton® X-100.
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