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Please note: Item has been discontinued.

CGG (Chicken Gamma Globulin)

CGG (Chicken Gamma Globulin)

CGG (Chicken Gamma Globulin), 10 mg, ABI (5 mL / 20 mm Septum)

This product will be discontinued on 30 June 2024.

Chicken gamma globulin is prepared from normal serum.

Item ID C-1000-10
List price

Item discontinued

Product information

LGC, Biosearch Technologies offers hapten conjugated proteins; unlabeled proteins (OVAL; BSA ; CGG and KLH) and fluorescent protein conjugates for immunochemistry. We also offer the haptens that can be used as labeling reagents for custom conjugates. Chicken gamma globulin is prepared from normal serum by a multi-step process which includes delipidation, salt fractionation and ion exchange chromatography followed by extensive dialysis.


  • Appearance: white solid

Product usage:

    Preservative: 0.01%(w/v) Sodium AzideDilute prior to immediate use.All Assay Dilutions: User optimizedAfter restoration centrifuge product if not completely clear after standing at room temperature.Extended storage conditions:For extended storage aliquot and freeze at -20°C or below. Avoid cycles of freezing and thawing.

Storage and handling:

  • Shipping conditions: Ambient
  • Storage conditions: +2 to +8 °C in sealed container

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