8-Azanebularine CE-Phosphoramidite
CAS No.:771494-03-2
Useful addtion to the nebularine family for hydrogen bonding studies.
Useful addtion to the nebularine family for hydrogen bonding studies.
Useful phosphoramidite for oxidative studies of thymidine.
A fluorescent analogue of cytidine.
Useful for incorporating 7-Deaza-modified guanosine into oligonucleotides to disrupt unwanted hydrogen bonding.
Convertible nucleoside phosphoramidite that allows the formation of N4-alkyl-C residues in RNA for structural studies.
A convertible nucleoside phosphoramidite that allows the formation of N2-alkyl-G residues in RNA for structural studies.
A fluorescent nucleoside phosphoramidite useful for probing the characterisitcs of DNA repair complexes.
Des-methyl analog of cytidine useful for probing the hydrogen-bonding characterisitcs in oligonucleotides.
Features a nucleobase that is isosteric with adenine but offers a different pi-electron distribution.
Useful amino-modified deoxyadenosine phosphoramidite.
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